Victory Over Demons And Fear

RM 7.00

Millions of people today are peculiarly affected in their minds and emotions by strong, unrelenting fears, oppressions, or in some cases, medically intractable sicknesses or unexplained pains.

In this concise narrative, the author emphasizes the foundations underlying Satan’s power, and how to see that power over your own life, or of those you love, totally dissipated. An extremely valuable weapon in the armory of the modern Christian soldier.


Author: Joshua Daniel

50 in stock


In one of his recent visits to South America, Mr.Daniel was deeply concerned that people were kept in a strange ’nebulousness’ and spiritual blindness and showed many signs of an inward oppression, which kept them from the holiness of God. Here again he found the counter-part of the African ’witch-doctor’, the Asian ’magician’ and the European ‘medium’ bewitching the people. In Guyana, South America, he is called the ‘Obia’ man, who cast spells and simulates cures.

Unless by the prayer of faith, in the Name of Jesus Christ, one neutralize the practicer of witchcraft and released his captives, no real disciples can be produced.

In the United States, Britain and the Continent, astrologers and the predictions of plain witches are scrupulously obeyed with servile fear, by some top politicians. Some national leaders in the Southern hemisphere too, take decisions in the close proximity to idols. Large-scale calamities often follow in the wake of such moves.

Mr.Daniel wants his readers to come free of all occult bondage and the rise up in the Name of the Risen Saviour to destroy all the works of the Devil around them. Our prayer is that this little guide—book will stir them to this great end.

No of Pages: 47

Author: Joshua Daniel

Additional information

Weight 0.052 kg
Dimensions 11 × 18 cm


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